Thursday, November 24, 2011

What If?

I know that the literature stuff you learn in school are most of the time, if not ALL all the time crap..But there's one poem that is worth pondering about..."The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.

"And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

How true that was..In every step of your life, you have to make choices. No compromise, no middle road, its either A or B. And when you choose one of them, months or years later, you do wonder WHAT IF I choose the other road. What if I had done that differently. What will the outcome be? Better or Worse??

Recently SAM in Taylors just finished their entire course of studies and they are probably partying away in their homes right now. You see, I am an ex-Taylors student (yah that's right..the so-called rich kid's college...but that's just pure stereotyping i must say). An now being a student in MMU (Msia's no.1 private university...yeah!!XD) and having been here in Cyberjaya for at least 3 months now, there are times where I wondered what if I stayed??

My dream has always been Monash Uni (doesn't matter the Sunway campus or the one in Clayton)...and being here in MMU has made me think always. Not that MMU is really a crap university, it is kinda a good place to be in and I do have some rather good bunch of friends over here. But still, the big question remains.

You know the funny part is. Lots of people will tell you to follow your dreams. No matter what. Do the things you love the most. But do they know the hurdles (sometimes really impossible ones??). My dream of course is to have my tertiary studies overseas. So you can expect what kind of scholarship I applied to JPA in March. But alas, God has other plans so here I am. To finance my own studies will be close to ridiculous. My family is not what you will say a filthy rich family. I got into Taylor's on scholarship as well, but in a class full of non-scholar smarties, you do wonder sometimes whether are you a fraud??Scholarship results announced and I got this place in what I will call "the most beautiful desert in the world". So considering all the options and you do realize that at times, you have to be realistic and not succumb to wishful thinking (yah..learned that word in critical thinking)

Ah..I've rambled a whole lot already. Till next time...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Oh well, this is something that I have pondered and considered for a very long time really. All this while I've been looking for a right place to really let out my feelings sometimes. Facebook is a bit too open and twitter is not really my thing. So hence, a blog seems the right thing.

I got inspired by this song "Iridiscent" by Linkin Park, especially the chorus where it struck a chord with me.

 "Do you feel cold and lost in desperation
You build up hope, but failure's all you've known
Remember all the sadness and frustration
and let it go, let it go."

Its a really nice song and I feel there's a need to let all the rants and thoughts I have to somewhere/someone and not just keep in inside me.
 Oh well, that's as much as I have for now. Till next time.