Friday, October 12, 2012

Of Reunion and Back to Service

Ok how to describe today..It's nice, feels great to reunite with old friends back in my music learning days, with our fav music teacher haha. But of course there's more to that.

I've finally decided to back in service. No wait, make it The Service. Yes that's right, back to God's service (i.e. back to church). Been contemplating this for a long time, ever since I came back from CF camp last week. Been thinking of which church to go to, and decided to follow my teacher instead. Oh well, having someone familiar to be your company is a good encouragement and also it's feel good to be back after what happened back in my old church which was frankly ugly and not worth describing here.

This reunion is also a chance to get a clearer picture of certain things, some of which involved friends of mine, and also regarding my old church. Relieved that I'm able to set the things straight, give another side of the debate and also getting a clearer picture of other things as well.

So is it meaningful reunion? Well yes..yes it is!!=)

PS: Car went well today. God's prayer worked. Amen!! XD

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Great is Our God

It's been a while since i last updated. Ok wait, make that a VERY LONG WHILE haha. So let's start with a spiritual side this time shall we?

There's no words to describe just how great God is. And I can be a testament to that as well. During the last exams about a few weeks ago, I was really stressed up in the days leading up to it. The news about high failure rates in the engineering faculty is not really helping at all. So once when had some family dinner time outside, I happen to flipped on the bible app on my phone and found this verse: 

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." John 14:1

And it was like "WOW". God really spoke to me. And I must say that from the moment I accepted Christ until now, that has been the most intimate moment that I have with Him. He knew that I was troubled with my studies and He being the Almighty just said "Do not let your hearts be troubled". And I must say, it definitely guide me through during that week and although I'm still stressed up over it, but I know that God is there for me.

But a relationship with God is like a human relationship. It has to be both ways. One can't simply   expect God to provide everything for you and you didn't do what God desired. God is God, not a genie in a lamp. And I do admit I'm guilty of that from time to time.

So that brings to the CF camp I went three days ago. It's in Chefoo, a Christian centre in Cameron Highlands. The speaker there was Pastor Dave, awesome, funny and at the same time, charismatic as well. He drove the point of a series of verses in Matthew 5:

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Why salt and light you may ask? Well, salt provides flavour to everything arounds us and light provides brightness to their surroundings. So we should strive to be the salt and the light, not just any salt and light though, but THE salt and THE light that God desires. A salt that flavours and light that shines selflessly, without favour for anyone. As what Tim-Berners Lee typed: "This is for everyone". 

But camp is not all business though. Had a great time there, met new people, ber-bonding for sure and being in the committee as worship coordinator, had a good opportunity to serve God in a way made possible by Him. 

2nd night was memorable. Pastor Dave preached about how we need to love our enemies no matter what and gave a series of real life stories of how people being the salt and light that they should be, touched and saved the lives of people around them. And in the prayer that followed, I reflected on certain acts I did before and broke down, realising that the things that I said and done before, once thought was right, was wrong. 

So there I was, wanting to reaffirm my relationship with God and now eager to carry out the great mission given by Him. 

Here's another great story to share during camp with you guys. In the last day during worship (I was the keyboardist then), I was honestly skeptical about it, practice was only done an hour before since the night before was full devotional prayer through the night as said earlier. But once again God really did His miracle. Of all the worships done before, never has a worship practice done so smoothly without any major hiccups. Worship was really excellent, this song was sung and the lyrics really caught on to me.

"I'll stand..with arms high and heart awe of the one who gave it soul longs to you surrender it all..I am is yours"

Totally reflect my feelings towards Him after the three days of reminder for us to be the Salt and Light (yes with a capital S and L) =)

The journey will be long and difficult, but with His help, I believe this will be possible. Amen.