Friday, October 12, 2012

Of Reunion and Back to Service

Ok how to describe today..It's nice, feels great to reunite with old friends back in my music learning days, with our fav music teacher haha. But of course there's more to that.

I've finally decided to back in service. No wait, make it The Service. Yes that's right, back to God's service (i.e. back to church). Been contemplating this for a long time, ever since I came back from CF camp last week. Been thinking of which church to go to, and decided to follow my teacher instead. Oh well, having someone familiar to be your company is a good encouragement and also it's feel good to be back after what happened back in my old church which was frankly ugly and not worth describing here.

This reunion is also a chance to get a clearer picture of certain things, some of which involved friends of mine, and also regarding my old church. Relieved that I'm able to set the things straight, give another side of the debate and also getting a clearer picture of other things as well.

So is it meaningful reunion? Well yes..yes it is!!=)

PS: Car went well today. God's prayer worked. Amen!! XD

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