Sunday, January 1, 2012


Yah I know it's kinda late to post things like this right now. But it does take me a while to reflect on things that happen on 2011. And yah, it's one epic year in itself.

I met a whole new group of people from many places. Get to feel what's like to be in the apparently 'privilege' club during my time in Taylor's which can be really good and really bad as well. 

In the middle of the year, faced with one of the biggest dilemmas of my life when deciding whether to switch from the former to MMU in Cyberjaya due to a scholarship. After literally a whole week of deep pondering (some of you might call it emo-ing) and deep prayers, I made the switch indeed. I'm still not to sure whether I've made the right decision, but I do trust God's guidance and I do have faith that this is the right thing to do.

It was an amazing year as in I finally got my driver's license. And to top of it all, I GOT MY OWN CAR!!! Well although my Iswara was handed down to me from my cousin, and it's no real Ferrari, but what the hell, I'm proud of this red "Ferrari" of mine and after a while, I kinda feel a bond with this piece of me wierd but yeah, that's me..

At the same time, 2011 has been a year where I've done stuff I've never expected before. For the first time, I have:

1.) Produced a music cover-3 weeks in the making and my pride and joy is born. Am proud of it for sure and am really grateful for the positive as well as the not-so-positive comments I've received.

2.) Been on a roller coaster-Took 17 years to overcome my fears at last and really have a hair-raising (literally..) but awesome moment. 

3.) Watched my idol's concert-Finally able to see David Foster live on stage. Took bit of pleading for my parent's to come along but damn, it was an awesome concert and my parents, they really enjoy it as well!!XD

4.) Slid down a slope-Those that are in MMU with me will probably know this. It is a purely accidental thing and totally never expect it at all. But its kinda cool being a stuntsman for a few seconds..Lesson learnt: Never try to walk down a steep slope..EVER!!

5.) Celebrate birthday with friends-I've always enjoyed celebratin this day with my family, But since for this time, I won't be with my family on that day (you don't expect them to go all the way to Cyberjaya to celebrate right??). Hence, I had one with some of my friends with MMU instead. It's quite amazing in a way and really thank them for their company.

I think there's more first-timers for me in 2011 but that's as much as I can think about for now. So all in all, It's a great year. Wish 2012 will be even better..Cheers..XD

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