Monday, March 26, 2012


This is a video that I discovered through one of my friends on FB. It's simply just a video of our time in primary school. And I must say, whoever did this really deserve a standing ovation. Lots of memories really flood back into my mind while watching this short but nostalgic vid.

To be short, I can say that about 90% of what I experienced in my childhood in SKTKJ (that's my primary school's name btw) is in this video. From the Luna colour pencils to the morning perhimpunan where a stocky discipline teacher will be there asking you to 'baris lurus' and asking the shorties to stand in Even the games played are the same as well.

Well, just watch and enjoy it  yah. Hope it will bring back your own memories whether good or bad ones just as what it did to me through this vid. XD

Monday, March 19, 2012

Compromising Stand

Ok how should I start this one. It's hard really. Some say it's best to take a firm stand on something you believe in. Others might say it's wise to compromise and find the middle path to satisfy everyone. So which to follow?

I was once the latter. Perhaps being born as a single child forced me to be so having to be an involuntary mediator to find peace from 2 opposing sides (if you know what i mean...not in a meme way). Is either that or having to face the thought of yr pillars of strength crumble in front of your eyes.

But throughout my years in school as well as right here in uni, it begins to feel that sometimes a "No" maybe the best answer, although it maybe hard to utter that word sometimes. Doesn't matter if that person is your friend, your roommate or even your parents. Once again perhaps it's just me trying to strike a balance but what do you know, life at times is like a pair of binary numbers is either 0 or 1, never a bloody 0.5. 

So what if I chose the 0.5 at the wrong time? Well, as shown what happened recently, the 0.5 somehow "rounded up" itself to 1 (sorry for the maths analogy...bit too much maths in my head right now) and as a result, a person I know gets hurt, possibly offended and just turned off. I suppose my mistake of not telling him about it just serves to deepen the wound I caused. Call it intuition, but the facial language does tell it all. 

I suppose a sincere apology is never sufficient for this level of hurt. But it's only the best I can do. Now the ball is in his court and I wish he will accept it and leave the dark matters behind. That for me is what a gentleman will do. Whether that will be a reality has yet to be seen.

On another note: here;s a song that I would like to share. You may have heard it on radio before and for me its really calming and soothing after all the trials and problems I have been facing these last few days. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


It can be anything. An error in judgement, an error in thought, most importantly, an error in actions that lead to a whole bunch of things gone awry and yr day is ruined.

It's quite unfortunate that my actions yesterday caused harm to others, particularly to a friend of mine. Call it peer pressure if you want, but I was 'pressured' to do something that if common sense is used, will be deemed absolutely stupid. So for that, Kok Kee if you're reading this, I apologise for what I've done that afternoon. Doubt those few words will relieve my feelings of guilt and I hope you will forgive what I did, even if you're possibly filled with rage or anger or sadness. No worries for I'll take responsibility for what happened.

I suppose that day was a challenge on my faith to the great Father as I succumbed to temptations that harmed everyone. If only I can turn back the clock to undo my mistakes.